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The Challenge of Soloing Regular Crypts

I understand the sentiment – many suggest playing goblin caves, but for those of us who’ve cherished this game since its initial playtest, Crypts embodies the essence of the experience. It encapsulates the aesthetic we’ve grown fond of, featuring beloved enemies and a map size that’s invigorating. Everything about Crypts is a thrill.

However, the recurrent scenario of being overwhelmed by well-coordinated three-player teams in blue and green gear is truly disheartening. Despite employing strategies like retreat, carrying healing items, and even braving the darkness to draw damage, the outcome often remains the same: relentless pursuit and ultimate annihilation.

Players are improving, gear is advancing, and those who transitioned to regular dungeons from highroller due to cheaters and overly competitive players are now making Crypts even more challenging for solo adventurers.

This culmination of factors has led to a stark reality – regular Crypts has evolved into a formidable arena for solo players.

And the truth is, if solo players dwindle or depart, the game undeniably takes a hit.

Some intervention is required to address this issue and render Crypts more solo-friendly. However, finding the balance is no simple task.

As a solo enthusiast, I too miss the era when The Crypts reigned supreme. Nowadays, parties are far more coordinated, and it’s a challenge to outwit them. Running away like a nimble rodent seems to be the only consistent approach. While I enjoy this evasive style, it inadvertently renders gear somewhat trivial. Traits like movement speed and resourcefulness are valuable for the rodent playstyle, yet they fall short of infusing excitement into gear progression.

The conundrum lies in enhancing the solo experience in The Crypts without fostering toxicity for party players.

Although the Goblin Caves possess a unique allure, the solo meta there can be monotonous, with a predominance of fighters and rogues. Nevertheless, teaming up with strangers in the caves often sparks riveting narratives and memorable moments.

In conclusion, while the regular Crypts continue to pose challenges for solo players, striking the right balance between solo and party gameplay remains an intricate puzzle to solve. And I’m also concerned about the balance of the game and the rewards, such as the amount of Dark and Darker gold you end up getting for winning and losing matches, which directly affects the character’s attributes, what do you guys think? More in

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