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Setting Sail: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to Skull and Bones

If you’re venturing into the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones for the first time, or if you’re still finding your sea legs, fear not! Atlantis is here to steer you in the right direction with this comprehensive beginner’s guide. From navigating the open seas to engaging in intense naval combat, we’ll cover everything you need to know to thrive in this thrilling pirate world.

Getting Started:

Skull and Bones is a vast and immersive game, filled with a myriad of quests, contracts, investigations, and Skull and Bones silver bounties. As you embark on your journey, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content. Fear not! The game provides tools to help you stay on course.

  1. Navigating Quests:

Utilize the journal in the map section to track specific quests or missions. This allows you to focus on your objectives without getting lost amidst the sea of activities. Additionally, zoom out on the map to get a general idea of the quest’s location.

  1. Tracking Blueprints:

Keep an eye on blueprints to streamline your crafting process. Blueprints highlight the required materials and their locations, eliminating guesswork and ensuring efficient resource gathering.

  1. Optimizing Settings:

Adjust your settings to enhance gameplay. Turn on the behavior icon to receive alerts when other boats engage you, and enable status effect icons to gain valuable information during combat.

Mastering the Seas:

  1. Spyglass Utility:

Make frequent use of the spyglass to identify ships, factions, and potential loot. This invaluable tool provides crucial information before engaging in combat or exploring unknown territories.

  1. Shipwreck Exploration:

Explore shipwrecks scattered across the seas for valuable loot, repair kits, and crafting materials. These expeditions are a quick and efficient way to stock up on resources and upgrade your equipment.

  1. Ship Upgrades:

Invest in ship upgrades to enhance your vessel’s performance and capabilities. Craft higher-ranked ships, outfit them with superior weapons and armor, and watch your power on the seas grow.

Sailing Strategies:

  1. Wind Awareness:

Pay attention to the wind direction indicated by the small triangle on the screen. Sailing with the wind boosts your speed while sailing against it slows you down. Adjust your course accordingly to maximize efficiency.

  1. Combat Tactics:

During naval combat, utilize combat angles to fire different sets of weapons quickly. Angle your ship strategically to unleash devastating barrages and secure victory against your adversaries.

  1. Weathering the Storm:

Navigate through storms with caution, particularly when encountering rogue waves. Use quick maneuvers to evade these hazards or brace for impact to minimize damage to your vessel.

Essential Tips and Tricks:

  1. Inventory Management:

Take advantage of the large warehouse space to manage your cargo effectively. Utilize outposts to gather resources and access shared storage, ensuring you’re well-prepared for your adventures.

  1. Fast Travel:

Streamline your journey by utilizing fast travel from any outpost or island. This convenient feature allows you to manage your cargo, change ship configurations, and embark on new quests with ease.

  1. Treasure Hunting:

Keep an eye out for treasure maps during your travels. Decipher the clues to uncover buried treasure and reap the rewards of your exploration.


Armed with this beginner’s guide, you’re ready to chart your course and conquer the high seas in Skull and Bones. Whether you’re plundering shipwrecks, engaging in naval combat, or uncovering hidden treasures, may your adventures be filled with excitement and fortune.

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Ruminating on Diablo 4 Seasons: A Call for a Rethink in Testing and Player Mindset

Imagine a gaming landscape where every new season of Diablo IV didn’t require an emergency patch to fix its issues, where the content was thoroughly tested, and the game launched with a sterling reputation. The concept might seem utopian, but it raises valid questions about the current state of seasonal releases.

The present season may be well-balanced, but the damage is done – word has spread that it’s less than stellar. The pre-mapped game, where top builds and efficient farming methods are known before launch, results in a scenario where players need to avoid the internet due to spoilers. It’s akin to suggesting that TV shows and movies should air to the general public before official release dates because some parts might not be up to par.

While PTRs have their place, the exposure is often excessive, as seen in Diablo 3, where everything was mapped out before day one. The current approach in Diablo 4 limits exposure enough to keep theorycrafters guessing and testing even as a new season unfolds. Season 2’s MacroBoiBoi’s Shadow Surfer build was a testament to the joy of theorycrafting during the season, allowing players to discover and innovate as they progress.

A PTR would potentially kill theorycrafting during the season, turning it into a waiting game for the next PTR cycle. If key information like the Whirlwind Strat on HotA Barb had been discovered on a PTR, it would have leaked to the Live players, giving them an unfair advantage in preparing and tweaking builds for content yet to be released. Then, ironically, those same players complain about the game lacking content when they’ve essentially skipped the entire experience.

It’s a curious observation that many gamers seem more interested in consuming games than playing them for enjoyment. The rush to reach max level, consume end-game content, and then lament the lack of substance in the game becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This phenomenon is evident in other games like World of Warcraft, where players speed through content only to complain about its scarcity.

For those exploring new classes, referring to guides like MMOexp news or MacroBoiBoi’s videos for insights is common. However, the tendency to stick to meta builds in games like Gauntlet, devoid of a leaderboard filter, is lamentable. The shift towards gaming experiences tailored for quick consumption rather than thoughtful exploration is disheartening.

The desire for games to be “Stand here, never move, and press button to collect rewards” is paradoxical when coupled with complaints about the lack of meaningful gameplay. It’s as if some players yearn for a game that spoon-feeds rewards without requiring engagement or strategy. The demand for constant stimuli in games often overshadows the simple pleasure of slowing down, exploring, and enjoying the world crafted by developers.

In the grand scheme of things, the rush to max level and BiS gear can overshadow the myriad experiences a game offers. The call for more content often neglects the richness of the existing content when approached with a mindset focused on enjoyment rather than completion. Slowing down, embracing the journey, and savoring each moment can make the playtime more meaningful.

In the end, the hope is that the gaming community can strike a balance between seeking fresh challenges and appreciating the depth and intricacies that games offer. As Diablo 4 continues to evolve, players can find joy in both the rush of a new season and the leisurely exploration of the game world.

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The Cold Storm Cleric Build in Elden Ring: A Guide to Dominance

In the vast and challenging world of Elden Ring, players are constantly seeking innovative and powerful builds to conquer the toughest enemies and bosses. One such intriguing build that has been gaining attention is the Cold Storm Cleric build. In this article, we will delve into the details of this unique build, showcasing its effectiveness and providing a comprehensive guide for players looking to embrace the power of the cold storm.

The Core Concept: Chain Link Flail and Great Shield

At the heart of the Cold Storm Cleric build lies the Chain Link Flail, an unconventional yet potent weapon choice. The build creator emphasizes the flail’s high damage and strength scaling, making it an excellent option for a build centered around blocking and countering attacks. The flail’s strength scaling pairs naturally with the Great Shield, forming a formidable combination that enhances both offense and defense.

The chain link flail is obtainable relatively early in the game, dropping from Mad Pumpkin Head enemies scattered around Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula. Despite its somewhat unconventional nature, the flail proves to be a fantastic weapon choice for those seeking a unique and effective playstyle.

Storm Caller Ash of War: Unleashing Elemental Fury

To amplify the build’s offensive capabilities, the Cold Storm Cleric incorporates the Storm Caller Ash of War, a key element that enhances the flail’s performance. By attaching this ash to the chain link flail, players can inflict blood loss with each swing, creating a powerful synergy. Additionally, converting the flail to the cold infusion triggers frostbite, delivering a dual debuff that significantly amplifies the damage output.

The strategic use of the cold infusion allows players to interrupt enemies, providing opportunities for consecutive strikes without retaliation. The article also suggests pairing the build with the incantation Fire’s Deadly Sin to repeatedly trigger frostbite, further increasing the overall damage dealt to enemies.

Armor, Talismans, and Runes: Crafting the Perfect Ensemble

A crucial aspect of the Cold Storm Cleric build is the selection of armor, talismans, and Elden Ring Runes. The build creator opts for the Cuckoo’s Great Shield, a personal preference based on aesthetics, but notes that any great shield with high strength requirements would suffice. The chosen armor set consists of the Mariah Mask, Noble’s Traveling Guard, and two pieces of the Scale Armor Set, providing a distinctive cleric-like appearance.

In terms of talismans, the build incorporates various options to enhance different aspects. Talismans such as Shard of Alexander, Miston Prothesis, and Rotten Winged Sword Insignia are recommended for their effectiveness in repeated strikes and storm caller hits. The article highlights the flexibility to experiment with different talismans based on player preferences and availability.

The Curved Sword Talisman is mentioned for increased block counter damage, adding another layer to the build’s offensive capabilities. Additionally, the build creator suggests considering the use of other talismans like Ritual Sword Talisman or Assassin’s Ran Dagger, offering players the freedom to tailor the build to their preferred playstyle.

Leveling and Stat Allocation: Striking the Balance

The Cold Storm Cleric build’s success heavily relies on a balanced stat allocation. The creator recommends a character level of 149, with specific emphasis on key attributes. A substantial investment in Vigor ensures a sufficient health pool, allowing players to trade hits effectively during intense combat situations.

Endurance is prioritized to support the use of heavier armor sets and to prevent running out of stamina while executing the storm caller ability. Strength is a focal point, reaching a value of 55 to maximize the scaling benefits with the chain link flail. Dexterity is kept at 12 to meet the weapon’s requirements, while Faith is set at 25 to unlock essential spells like Golden Vow.

The article addresses the unnecessary allocation of points to Arcane and Intelligence, clarifying that the build initially started as an astrologist, leading to experimentation with different setups.

Choosing Great Runes: Godric’s Influence

When it comes to selecting great runes, the Cold Storm Cleric build is recommended to embrace the power of Godric. The rationale behind this choice lies in the build’s utilization of multiple stats, making Godric an optimal option for enhancing HP, stamina, and FP. While other runes like Rons are acknowledged for their benefits, the build creator leans towards Godric for its versatility and effectiveness across various attributes.

Conclusion: Mastering the Cold Storm Cleric Build

In conclusion, the Cold Storm Cleric build offers players a unique and engaging playstyle in Elden Ring. The combination of the chain link flail, great shield, and storm caller abilities create a potent synergy that can carry players through the toughest challenges the game has to offer. By carefully considering armor choices, talismans, stat allocations, and great runes, players can fully unlock the potential of this build and enjoy a thrilling and effective gameplay experience. Buy Elden Ring items and Runes at the best prices at MMOEXP.

As Elden Ring continues to captivate players with its vast world and challenging encounters, builds like the Cold Storm Cleric provides an exciting alternative to traditional playstyles. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, exploring unconventional builds adds a layer of depth and excitement to the overall gaming experience. So, equip your chain link flail, raise your great shield, and unleash the cold storm upon your foes in the Elden Ring.

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A Creative Approach to Addressing Mobs’ “Cheese Spots”

In the ever-evolving landscape of Dark and Darker, concerns linger about potential compromises in map design to mitigate players exploiting certain elevated positions, colloquially known as “cheese spots.” As Ironmace expresses the intent to curtail such exploits, a proposition surfaces—instead of altering map layouts, why not imbue certain enemies with an upward attack animation? This approach seeks to maintain the intricate designs of the game’s environments while enhancing the challenge posed by mobs.

Concerns and Alternatives: Balancing Cheese Mitigation and Map Design

The primary concern revolves around the potential impact on map design should Ironmace opt to eliminate cheese spots. These elevated vantage points often serve as strategic elements, allowing players to gain an advantage over mobs. Rather than compromising the carefully crafted maps, the proposal suggests a more nuanced solution: empowering mobs with a new attack animation directed upwards.

Technical Feasibility: Exploring Animation Capabilities

Acknowledging potential constraints, the proposal speculates on Ironmace’s capacity to introduce upward attack animations for mobs. If the existing assets limit the creation of new attack animations, it could pose a challenge. The underlying question arises: does Ironmace possess the necessary resources, including skilled staff or adaptable assets, to implement such nuanced changes?

Upward Attacks: A Strategic Countermeasure

The proposal envisions mobs receiving new attack animations designed specifically to target elevated positions. This would introduce a layer of complexity to mob behavior, challenging players who rely on elevated vantage points. The effectiveness of this strategy hinges on the successful integration of upward attacks into the existing mob repertoire, making them more versatile and adaptable to player strategies.

AI Adaptations: Dynamic Responses to Cheesing Tactics

Alternatively, rather than altering the mobs’ attack animations, a shift in AI behavior is proposed. If mobs perceive that they are being exploited from a vantage point, they could adopt a defensive strategy by retreating or seeking cover. While this may not completely eliminate the advantage for ranged classes, it introduces a more dynamic and responsive element to mob interactions.

Preserving Verticality: A Delicate Balance

Expressing concern over potential alterations to map designs, the proposal emphasizes the importance of maintaining verticality in Dark and Darker’s environments. Vertical elements contribute to the game’s complexity and intrigue, offering players strategic options and diversifying the gameplay experience. Striking a balance between deterring exploitation and preserving map dynamics is crucial for sustaining the game’s immersive world.

Final Thoughts: Navigating the Path Ahead

In the quest to mitigate cheese spots and enhance the challenge posed by mobs, the Dark and Darker community engages in a dialogue with Ironmace. The proposal encourages a thoughtful exploration of creative solutions that foster dynamic gameplay without compromising the essence of the game’s map design. As the developers navigate this path, the collaborative efforts of the community and Ironmace aim to strike a delicate balance, ensuring Dark and Darker remains a captivating and challenging realm for players to explore.

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EA FC 24 – Navigating Extinct Players: Strategies for Acquisition

The pursuit of elusive and extinct players in FIFA FC 24, such as the coveted IF Alaba, presents a unique challenge that requires a strategic approach. Faced with the scarcity of available cards and the inherent difficulty of sniping, players often find themselves pondering ways to increase their chances of obtaining these rare gems, especially for completing objectives like the IF upgrade and Pep’s Legacy. Here, we explore potential strategies and insights that might enhance your prospects in acquiring extinct players.

1, Timing and Patience
One key factor in acquiring extinct players is to be strategic with your timing. Monitor the market during various periods, including peak hours and less crowded times, to increase your chances of catching the player when listed. Patience is paramount in this endeavor, as players may sporadically appear during specific intervals.

2, Squad Building Challenges (SBCs)
Keep a close eye on SBC requirements and objectives that may drive an influx of the specific player you are seeking. Certain SBCs or objectives may incentivize players to list their extinct cards, providing you with a window of opportunity to secure the desired player.

3, Utilize Filters Effectively
When navigating the Transfer Market, use filters strategically to narrow down your search and increase efficiency. Set specific criteria such as the player’s name, position, and overall rating to streamline the process. Refining your search parameters helps you quickly identify the player when they are listed.

4, Network with the Community
Engage with the FC 24 community through forums, social media, or dedicated trading platforms. Networking with other players may yield valuable insights, including tips on when certain extinct players are more likely to be listed. Sharing information and collaborating with fellow gamers can be advantageous in your quest.

5, Continuous Monitoring
The key to sniping extinct players is continuous monitoring. Dedicate specific time intervals to refresh the Transfer Market and search for the desired player actively. Persistence and vigilance increase your chances of catching the player when they briefly appear on the market.

6, Capitalizing on Events and Promotions
Stay attuned to special events, promotions, or new releases that may impact the market dynamics. During these periods, players might be more active in listing their cards, creating windows of opportunity for acquiring extinct players.

7, Utilize Companion Apps and Web Apps
Extend your reach beyond the console by using companion apps or web apps. These platforms allow you to monitor the market and make purchases remotely, providing flexibility and an advantage in swiftly acquiring players when they become available.

8, Be Flexible with Coins
Recognize that acquiring extinct players often requires a financial commitment. Be prepared to spend a reasonable amount of FC 24 coins to secure the player you desire. Setting a budget and being flexible with your spending can be a pragmatic approach in the pursuit of rare cards.

While the challenge of acquiring extinct players remains formidable, a combination of timing, strategic filters, community engagement, and continuous monitoring can enhance your prospects. The virtual market is dynamic, and understanding its nuances is crucial for navigating the intricacies of obtaining elusive players like IF Alaba. Keep refining your approach, stay informed, and embrace the challenge with resilience and determination.

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