World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic – Future Speculation

We’re going to be talking over what is most likely going to be happening in the future with Classic WoW, both for the current version of Classic (i.e., what Wrath is at the moment) as well as for vanilla. And of course, why not have a guess at how soon things will be happening as well? We also have some leaks to check out, both for potential hard Ulduar nerfs and even the possibility of Hardcore Classic Realms.

Ulduar Nerfs

One of the goals Blizzard has set out to achieve in the re-release of Wrath is to give Ulduar more time to shine and to have it last longer than it did originally in 2009. However, Ulduar is currently the most challenging tier in Classic by far, with Warcraft Logs currently showing around 1,300 guilds having fully cleared the raid with all fights on the hardest difficulty.

There have been some leaks that suggest Blizzard is planning to nerf Ulduar quite significantly, with some bosses having their health reduced by up to 40% and mechanics being made less dangerous or occurring less often. This would make Ulduar much easier to clear for more guilds, but it would also be disappointing for guilds who have already put in a lot of effort to clear it on hard mode.

Trial of the Crusader

Trial of the Crusader is the next raid tier after Ulduar, and it is generally considered to be a much easier tier. It is likely that Trial of the Crusader will drop around June 1st, and it will probably have a shorter duration than Ulduar, perhaps around 3-4 months.

Icecrown Citadel

Icecrown Citadel is the final raid tier in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, and it is the most challenging raid tier in the expansion. It is likely that Icecrown Citadel will drop around September 2023, and it will probably have a duration of around 4-5 months.

Cataclysm Classic

After Icecrown Citadel is cleared, it is likely that Blizzard will release Cataclysm Classic. Cataclysm is the next expansion after Wrath of the Lich King, and it made some major changes to the game world and gameplay mechanics.

It is likely that Cataclysm Classic will be released around March-April 2024.

Hardcore Classic Realms

There have also been some leaks that suggest Blizzard is planning to release Hardcore Classic Realms. Hardcore Realms are a type of realm where if your character dies, it is deleted permanently. This would be a very challenging mode, but it would also be very rewarding for players who are able to clear content without dying.

It is not clear when Hardcore Classic Realms will be released, but it is possible that they could be released alongside Cataclysm Classic.


This is just a speculation of what could happen in the future of Classic WoW. It is important to note that nothing is confirmed yet, and Blizzard could change their plans at any time.

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